DR Congo’s Top Import-export statistics
DR Congo is a country located in Sub-Saharan Africa. The country is in the growing stage. It is the second largest country in Africa with a total of 108 inhabitants living in the country. DR Congo's import-export data shows that the country's import sector is in the backward stage but the export sector is growing very fastly. If we talk about rank so it is leading the 105th rank in import and 70th rank in export. In this blog, we will give you information about DR Congo’s top import-export statistics in which we give detail of the top 5 import products, top 5 export products ad most import-export-trading partners. What are the top 5 import products in DR Congo? DR Congo’s import sector is in the backward stage they are struggling to grow it. According to the DR Congo Import data , they are leading the 105th rank in imports with a total import value of $8.23 Billion US Dollars in the year 2021. We have listed the top 5 import products of DR Congo with their ...